Lifespan Integration

Deep healing without

Do you ever find yourself having reactions that seem out of proportion to the event that occurred? Do you have a hard time accessing or acknowledging your emotions? Have you experienced trauma and even though you try hard to move on, you notice that it continues to have a strong hold on you? Are you struggling to get through a break up, or discerning if you’re in the right relationship? Do you have a hard time staying present in your life, and find that you’re nervous system is constantly dysregulated and in survival mode?

If so, Lifespan Integration, may be right for you.

My Personal Experience with Lifespan Integration

I learned about Lifespan Integration through experience as a client. My therapist at the time suggested we give it a try as she noticed I was stuck talking about the same conflict and feelings week after week with hardly any relief. In a single session of Lifespan Integration, I was able to find a depth of healing I didn’t know existed. The work we did in just a few sessions helped me develop an amount of self compassion that has stuck with me even years later. After experiencing Lifespan Integration, I was able to make big life decisions, improve a compassionate relationship with myself and others, and overall had more confidence.

Talk therapy is wonderful and necessary, but I wouldn’t have found the healing I needed at that time without Lifespan Integration. I am passionate about being able to offer this type of therapy in my practice, because it offers a gentle and impactful way to heal.

What is Lifespan Integration?

Lifespan Integration (LI) is a mind-body based therapy that heals trauma in a gentle way. In Lifespan Integration therapy, you visit memories across your lifetime with the goal of helping to increase your window of tolerance so that you can live with more stability, clarity and presence, rather than being in a state of fight, flight of freeze. This model of therapy can soften triggers, and help your brain develop new nueral pathways so that you become more integrated into your adult self. Sometimes our difficult life experiences and memories can cause us to believe that we are still living in the past, or that what happened to us will always haunt us. Lifespan Integration is a gentle way to explore themes across your life, heal trauma, give insight into relationships and develop more self compassion.

How does it work?

Depending on what we are targeting with LI, you will create a timeline of memory cues (for example: memory cues from across your whole life time, or memories from a relationship or traumatic event). In our session I will be taking you through multiple repetitions of your timeline, ending with memories in the present moment. While LI appears to be quite simple, there is a lot happening internally as your brain works to integrate fragmented memories and rewire the neural pathways in your brain. Your body is able to complete the stress cycle of those hard memories, and in turn learns that you have made it out of the past and into the present moment. When experiencing LI you may notice that you have a range of emotional experiences and reactions- this is something I am attuned to as we work through the repetitions of your timeline.

What should I expect after experiencing LI?

Everyone’s experience with LI is different. Many clients notice that they have more clarity, stability, new insight into themselves or their relationships, more confidence, are less triggered, and have a strong sense that the trauma or difficult events in their life have passed and are over now.

Where can I learn more about LI?

You can learn more about Lifespan Integration by visiting the LI homepage here. If you’d like to read about someone’s powerful experience with Lifespan Integration that gives you more depth into the work, you can read about their experience here.